Friday, February 22, 2013

Living Life

All I can say is enjoy life to it's fullest. Sure, you have disagreements with people, but arguing and holding grudges never gets you anywhere. I'm still trying to figure out what people get out of that. Instead of living your life in negative feelings, try to reconnect with that person, talk things out. People are often surpised how good it turns out once they settle on something, then they wonder why they didn't do it before. Live life as happily as possible, for all you know that person you're angry at, or you yourself could end up dying tomorrow in a car accident (although I hope not). Don't live life with such negativity.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Cure for Cancer

First off, let me start by saying that sure sure, America is a great country in many ways, we do have freedom of expression, and live about our lives doing what we want to do. But behind all that I personally believe their is some sneaky control going on, just most people don't realize it. One of the topics it comes to is cancer and the pharmeceutical companies. So believe it or not their actually is a cure for cancer and it works every time as long as you follow it corretly. So before I state what it is, this is an example of sneaky control, and the good ol' greedy American ways. A ew years back a young kid about 8 years old got Leukemia, and the parents were going to choose a more natural way to get rid of the cancer instead of getting chemotherapy. So of course doctors didn't like it because they wouldn't be getting the money from doing chemotherapy. So the American government stepped in and took their child away for however long the chemotherapy would be performed, so basically government forced the child and the parents to have chemotherapy done against their will, and that is just so wrong. As the saying goes "money is the root of all evil". So the cure for cancer is real but the American government does not accept it in the US because pharmeceutical companies will lose money, and the cure for cancer is The Gerson Therapy. The Gerson Therapy has clinics but sadly not in the US, for the reasons stated above. The body does not need chemotherapy or radiation treatment, even a nurse I talked to said it doesn't do much, and this nurse has done the Gerson Therapy herself. This nurse had stage four breast cancer, did the Gerson Therapy, got cured, and has not had cancer for 40 years. The ingrediants put in our food over time do cause cancer, such as preservatives and numerous more ingredients. I look at the ingredients on cereal boxes such as Apple Jacks and it's basically just a box of cancer even if it does have vitamins in them. The Gerson Therapy uses organic fresh fruit (which is how we SHOULD eat) no animal protein at all, limits on grains, only oil you can use is flaxseed oil. Doesn't sound appealing but the therapy helps you make things from a certain list that can help make it taste good. The lady in charge whose father founded the therapy and cured tuberculosis back in the day, follows her own therapy, she's 90 (about), has no arthritis, takes no medication, doesn't have to use glasses, hasn't shrunk an inch, and she doesn't have a primary doctor because she doesn't need one. She has no ailments whatsoever. As she said, "if it doesn' come from the Earth, then it's not good for the body." Doctors discourage people not to use it because all they want is the money from your chemotherapy, sadly most doctors don't really care if you have cancer, they act it, but they want the money, I asked the nurse this and she said it's sad, but true. Clinics may not be in the US (they are stationed in Mexico and Hungary) but their are trainers you can hire to help you get started with the therapy. And you don't even need to have cancer to do it, it's also a great way to prevent cancer! Here is a very interesting interview with Charlotte about the therapy, which I recomment you watch!

Friday, February 8, 2013


All I really have to say is "please America, watch what you put on TV, then maybe parents and the government wouldn't wonder why kids do certain things." During Superbown their was a commercial of strangers making out, and they did a close shot up of that. Little kids see that, and they'll get curious and want to try to experiment. I heard in the news of 5 year olds performing oral on eachother, which is so sad. Limitations really need to be enforced upon.

Friday, February 1, 2013


All I really have to say is people should really cool it on technology and actually conversate face to face with a person instead of just messaging them and not seeing their face at all. Plus people can, I guess you call it, be stupid. I read of a girl who fell into a lake cause she was on her cellphone, a car swerved off the road and hit a signal light pole because they were on their cellphone, and a lady I saw at a store ran her cart into a pillar because she was on her cellphone. So sosciety really needs to chillax with their use on technology. Plus I do get the weird feeling technology will outsmart us if we continue advancing our technology.