Sunday, June 16, 2013

W.I.N. (What Is Normal)

What is normal? A question that people may ask themselves at somepoint in their life. And by society's standards, anything out of the ordinary is not normal. But when you think about it, their's no such thing as "normal" and I hate it when people use that term. Think about it, their is no other person on this planet like you, you're different, your personality, likes, dislikes, it's all different. Perhaps you like rap, while I like symphonic rock. Liking rap is not a "weird" style of be into, it's just a preference. No one will ever look like me, nor will anyon ever look like you, or be you. Whether you're a cripple, richest person on Earth, or the poorest, we are all someone. Many say I'm into "weird" things, I suffer from depression, used to be suicidal and confused, but I stepped up and accepted me for who I am, and now I am devoted to helping others in any way or form, to help them realize they are their own unique individual and their will never be someone like them ever again. We all have feelings, and want to fit in, and their are ways to do it if people would stop for one moment of the day, and see all the remarkable people in this world, and how they have their purpose. If everyone did that, I believe slowly but surely, people can get along, and live without judging others. We all die one day, and will never be seen or heard from again on this planet, so take advantage of it, get to know people, and see what they have to offer.