Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Priest Scandal.

On the topic of the priest scandal, all I have to say is....really? If priests really have a problem with their vow of chastity, then why can't they just leave the priesthood? But then again, I put some blame on the Catholic church itself. As human beings we do crave companionship, some may crave it more then others, but we crave it nonetheless. Plus, i've always wondered why the priests go for young boys (not that going with girls is ok), but really, why? I personally believe the Catholic church should let the priest marry and have a family if they so wish too. Back in the day priests had multiple wives, and were still able to serve their spiritual life properly. The fact that priests cannot marry is just a man-made doctrine, nowhere is it documented that "God" did not allow priests to marry. So in my personal opinion, priests should be allowed to marry. This is why I do not wish to belong to this, or any religion. Most are controlling in their own way, and they may teach not to be greedy, but in truth they all are, and each religion has its own lies. But I do respect whoever belongs to a religion.

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